How To Protect Yourself From Existing Problems In An Apartment When Signing A Lease
Posted on: 15 January 2016
As you search for the right apartment to rent, you may find one that is ideal for you, except for the few flaws you notice as you look through it during your meeting with the property manager. If this is the case, you should avoid rushing into signing the lease until you have discussed these flaws with the property manager. With the right steps, you may be able to ensure that the manager will fix these problems, or that he or she will at least not hold you accountable for them.
Why this is important
There are several reasons to discuss any problems you see with the manager of the rental property, but one of the most important reasons is to make sure the problem gets addressed. For example, if you notice a toilet is leaking water, this is a problem you would want
A second reason it is important is to take the liability off of you and onto the property manager. For example, if there is a hole in the wall, you may not care if it is fixed or not, but you would not want to be held responsible for it when you move out.
Steps you can take
There are two main steps you can take to get problems fixed or to take
- Have the property manager include the problem in the lease – If the problem is something that needs to be fixed before you agree to move in, make sure it is listed on the lease before you sign it. In addition, make sure the lease states that the landlord plans on fixing it by the time you actually move in.
- Create a move-in inspection report – This report is something you should fill out as you walk through the apartment with the landlord that
owns or manages it . You should list every flawon it and have the manager sign the form afterwards. This report will serve as proof of the condition of the unit when you rented it, and it will pass liability on to the landlord instead of you when you move out. Make sure you list every flaw you see, such as stains oncarpet and holes in walls.
Following these tips will help you resolve problems with a rental property before you move in and will protect you from responsibility for these problems. If you would like to learn more or find an apartment in your area, contact a company that offers rental properties. To learn more, speak with a business like Advanced Realty.