
  • 3 Mistakes That Can Stop The Closing On A Home

    When you have a house for sale, you may feel like the time will never come when you sell your home for cash. This feeling can increase when mistakes are made along the way. Try to be proactive about selling your home and avoid making these common mistakes that can stop your house from getting to the final closing. Mistake #1: Ignoring a Possible Termite Infestation May Sabotage Your Efforts
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  • 4 Ways To Sell A "Haunted" House

    While it is certainly debatable as to whether or not a house can actually be haunted, opinions run the gamut as to whether or not people want to live in a house in which something terrible has happened. These houses, in which events like murders and suicides have occurred, are often known as stigmatized by real estate agents. As an agent, you may have a lot of questions about what to do if you come across a home that has a stigma attached to it by the community.
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  • Three Tips for Those Building Their Dream Homes

    Making the decision to build your dream home can be one of the best investments that you can make. However, any construction project can be a major investment, and it can be easy to make cost-increasing mistakes. For individuals that are undertaking their first home-construction project, a  few basic tips can help you get the most house for your budget. Hire Your Builder Before Buying Property It can be easy to want to choose the location for your home as the first step in this process, but this can prove to be a terrible mistake.
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  • 3 Things To Look For In A Property Management Company

    Owning real estate can be a great way to generate wealth, but only if your investment properties are rented out by competent tenants. If you don't have the time to engage in the day-to-day management tasks required of a landlord, you should consider hiring a property management company to take care of these tasks on your behalf. Here are three things that you can look for as you search for a property management company to ensure you partner with a competent company in the future.
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  • 3 Tips for Investing in Your First Commercial Property

    Investing in real estate can be a path to wealth, and many savvy investors are drawn to commercial real estate due to its good return on investment. Whether you want to purchase an apartment building, an office building, a warehouse, or retail space, it is important to understand the market and how commercial real estate works to help ensure that you get the best deal. If you plan on investing in commercial real estate soon, use the following tips.
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  • Buying A New Home? Two Tips To Help You In The Process

    When you're buying a new home, you want something that is so warm and inviting that you just can't wait to get home each day.  If you're working with a realtor, it's easy to let them know how many bedrooms and bathrooms you're looking for, as well as what style of house you're after: single family home, condominium or townhouse.  However, there are some other parameters that may be even more important that you don't want to overlook.
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  • 3 Rules For Making An Offer On A Home

    When you start looking at homes, it can be intimidating to make your first offer. You may not want to appear too eager to get the best price on a home. At the same time, you do not want to miss out on a home that you actually want by playing hard-to-get. Your buyer's agent should be able to help you present a reasonable offer for a home. However, there are some general rules that you should follow to make sure that you are expressing the right amount of interest in a potential home.
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  • Buying a House? 2 Important Questions to Ask Yourself

    One of the biggest purchases you will ever make will be a house, so it's very important that much thought has been put into the decision. Homebuyers should be very satisfied with the house that they decide on and know they are capable of paying off the house in the future. Before you even start the process of buying a home, ask these two questions. How Long Will You Be in the Home Before You Sell?
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  • Keeping New Pests Out of Old Abandoned Mole Tunnels

    Everyone knows that moles are powerful and industrious diggers, but you might be surprised to learn how far and deep mole tunnels can actually run. Perhaps even more surprising is the number of other pests that are only too happy to move in once the mole itself is gone. If you have recently successfully cleared your property of moles, you will need to watch for signs of new underground invaders and take steps to prevent them from moving in as well.
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  • Tips To Help You Find The Perfect Vacation Home At A Below Market Price

    Having a vacation home is not only an investment for family assets, but it can also give you a place to relax. There may be certain features that you are looking for in a vacation property and a budget that you have set to spend. With high list prices, these things can make it difficult to find the perfect vacation home. There are some tricks of the trade that you can use to get your home at a lower price and have all the features you want.
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