
  • Two Ways A Title Company Can Save Your Bacon

    For many homebuyers, purchasing real estate title services may seem like an unnecessary expense.  After all, the chances the home seller is trying to unload a piece of property he or she doesn't actually own is low. However, title companies perform a number of tasks and services that can save you a lot of heartache, headache, and legal problems down the road. Here are two you may not be aware of.
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  • Things Homebuyers Don't Want to Overlook When Looking at Homes for Sale

    Buying a new house can make you feel overwhelmed and excited at the same time. After all, when you tour homes for sale, you're looking for a house that fits all of your family's needs, but you also need to make sure you aren't overlooking important details and factors. The good news is, by learning what house features you should always inspect when buying a home, you can make the overall process easier so that worrying about the small details won't overshadow the fun of the buying process.
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  • A One-Year Plan to Purchase a Home If You Have No Credit

    Being bound to your credit score may make it feel challenging to actually get the things you need in life. If you're seeking a new home, then you know how important your credit score is for getting approved for home loans and mortgages. Sometimes having little to no credit history may be worse than just having a low credit score. While home loans may not come instantaneously, you can help speed up the approval process by setting up a one-year plan that has realistic goals and special lending features to ensure that you get approved.
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  • Two Tips To Help You Select The Right Real Estate Agent

    Buying a house can be an extremely exciting time.  You get the opportunity to look at many different houses so you can firm up your ideas about the kind of home that you want.  However, one of the most important aspects of the home buying process is selecting a realtor.  The real estate agent that you choose can make or break your experience, so it's absolutely vital that you choose wisely.
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  • Tips To Help You Decide Upon A Country Vacation Home To Purchase

    If you are thinking about purchasing a vacation home in the country to stay in during weekends and extended holidays in order to avoid the hustle and bustle of busy roadways and large crowds of people, the following tips may help you select a location and home that thoroughly pleases you and that is affordable. Plan Several Overnight Trips In Towns That Interest You Plan some overnight trips in country towns that interest you in order to get a feel of each area and learn what is offered.
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  • Things To Know If You Want To Become A Homeowner

    Are you living in an apartment and tired of being subjected to a lease? If your lease is almost up, you might want to consider looking for a house that you can buy. Besides no longer being tied to a lease, becoming a homeowner comes with many other advantages that you will enjoy. This article contains helpful information about some things you should consider if you decide to buy a house.
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  • How Can An Appraisal Impact The Purchase Of A Townhome?

    An appraisal is crucial to the townhome buying process. The outcome of the appraisal can have an impact on whether or not a lender is willing to finance a townhome. If you are in the process of buying a luxury townhome for sale, here is what you need to know about the appraisal.   Who Is Responsible for the Appraisal? The appraisal is required by the lender, but the actual expense is passed on to you. The fee for the appraisal is often tied in with the closing costs.
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  • Looking To Stay Under Budget To Buy A Home? 3 Things Worth Giving Up

    Applying for a home loan and getting approved is great news. This process will also inform you of your maximum loan amount that you can use to help with purchasing a home. It might be tempting to start looking at homes that are priced right around the maximum that you are able to afford. But, this can lead to issues in the future, as undertaking such a large expense demands extreme financial stability.
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  • Four Things Your Realtor Wishes You Knew

    When your realtor or real estate agent meets with you to discuss selling your home, there are a few things that he or she may have to discuss with you that might be a bit awkward. Knowing some of the finer points of home selling will save you a bit of time and help to make your home easier to sell. Here are four things your real estate agent wishes you already knew about your home.
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  • Three Things to Look for in an Apartment Rental If You Have Children

    When it comes to looking for an apartment, you likely have always had a long list of things that are must-haves for you as well as things that you would like. However, this list likely changed greatly when you went from looking for an apartment just for yourself to looking for an apartment for your family. Having children is a huge game-changer when it comes to your living situation because you want to make sure that all of their needs are met.
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