Three Reasons You Should Always Use A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your Home

Posted on: 9 August 2019

If you are getting ready to sell your house, you may be thinking about bypassing the process of using a real estate agent. And why not? You will be saving a good deal on the sales commission. You may have sold a previous home and used an agent, and although the commission was a low percentage of the sale price, the total amount paid to the agent seemed high. You are not the first person to have the idea of selling your own home, but it is a bad idea.
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3 Tips For Analyzing Properties To Buy A Quiet Home

Posted on: 5 August 2019

After living in rentals for a long time, you may have concluded that you prefer living in quiet areas. So, when you are ready to become a homeowner, you should think about what can give you a quiet and peaceful place to live. Knowing what to analyze when looking at homes will come in handy as it will help you determine which homes to look into further and make an offer on. 
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Should You Sell Your House As-Is Or Fix It Up Before Selling?

Posted on: 23 July 2019

Many homeowners face the dilemma of wanting to sell their homes but not being sure whether to sell as-is or to put some money in their homes to fix them up. This is a big decision to make. Here are some of the factors you should consider if you are facing this decision. Timing The first thing to think about is timing. Do you need to sell right away or do you have some time before you really need to sell and move?
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Preparing For An Open House: 3 Things To Do

Posted on: 6 July 2019

In a number of cases, a perfectly executed open house is the key to a successful house sale. It is important that, as a home seller, you never underestimate the power of an open house. While it is true that your realtor will take care of the majority of the planning, there are some things that you can do to help ensure that you receive as many offers as possible during the event.
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