Money for Nothing: 4 Ways to Create a Passive Income Stream

Posted on: 15 December 2016

Creating a stream of passive income is one of the best ways to ensure a financially sound future. But you may feel that it's too difficult, too expensive, or something reserved for people with more money than you have. But the truth is that you can find the right passive income activity for any budget and personality. Here are four ideas to get you started. Rent. Rental real-estate income is something that you can earn no matter where you live and that can insulate you against changes in the economy and stock market.
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How Does A Property Management Company Know How Much To Charge For A Rental Home?

Posted on: 8 December 2016

Pricing a rental home correctly is extremely important. If you are asking too much rent for your rental home, prospective tenants may pass it over and it could sit empty. If you do not ask for enough rent, you could be losing out on money every month. A property management company can help you with all of your rental home needs, including properly pricing out the home. Here are a few of the tactics that a management company will use when determining how much you should charge for a rental home.
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3 Mistakes That Can Stop The Closing On A Home

Posted on: 30 November 2016

When you have a house for sale, you may feel like the time will never come when you sell your home for cash. This feeling can increase when mistakes are made along the way. Try to be proactive about selling your home and avoid making these common mistakes that can stop your house from getting to the final closing. Mistake #1: Ignoring a Possible Termite Infestation May Sabotage Your Efforts
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4 Ways To Sell A "Haunted" House

Posted on: 28 November 2016

While it is certainly debatable as to whether or not a house can actually be haunted, opinions run the gamut as to whether or not people want to live in a house in which something terrible has happened. These houses, in which events like murders and suicides have occurred, are often known as stigmatized by real estate agents. As an agent, you may have a lot of questions about what to do if you come across a home that has a stigma attached to it by the community.
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