3 Big Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying A Mobile Home

Posted on: 28 February 2017

Are you tired of having a landlord who won't even let you hang pictures on the walls? Have you been trying to save up to buy your own house but haven't been able to save enough? Overlooked by many people, there is actually a third option that you may want to consider. Buying a mobile home can be a great way to get into home ownership. There are a number of reasons why you might want to consider purchasing a mobile home.
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Money-Related Questions To Ask Yourself As A First-Time Home Buyer

Posted on: 27 February 2017

When you are ready to get serious about buying your first home, you may be extremely excited and maybe even a little idealistic. After all, having a lovely home is a big part of the fulfillment of the American dream. Here are some essential questions you should ask yourself as a first-time home buyer before you make an offer on a house.  Ask Yourself: Do You Have a Sufficient Down Payment for the Home You Want?
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Why You Should Work With A Military Relocation Specialist When You Need A VA Loan To Buy Your Next Home In An Unfamiliar Area

Posted on: 26 January 2017

If you or your spouse have been in the military for a while, you may already be familiar with how frustrating it can be to have problems occur with a move. Whether you are dealing with items that don't catch up with you for a few weeks after you get to the new area or discovering that the house you're moving into is next door to a property undergoing loud and extensive construction, moving to a new and unknown area can be very problematic and can be out of anyone's direct control .
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Make A Checklist Before You Shop For A House

Posted on: 23 January 2017

If you look on any given day at all the homes for sale in your area, you are likely to find dozens or hundreds of them. While having a lot of choices is nice, it can also make the decision harder to make. Because of this, you might find it useful to create a checklist to use to help you narrow down your decision. Here are several things you should include on the checklist you make for the house you want to buy.
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